Bilinguish, qu’est-ce que fuck?
Qu’est-ce que fuck is bilinguish? In this micro-essay, I Frenchsplain the alchemy of this imagined tongue as it is spoken here in Sudbury.
Pour Jean-Marc. Où qu’il soit.
An imaginary tongue. Raw. And fine.
Spoken aux portes de l’enfer, land of fire and rock. In the shadow of windswept pine, frail and fière.
A tongue scorned. Apostrophée. Mocked. Revendiquée.
Spoken by the badass, the brazen, the bold. By those who live on the moon, alchemists of burning ore.
A tongue that frenches, speaks its proverbs and poetry, blessed by its profanity.
Spoken as a prise de parole.
Merci à Serge Miville, à qui je dois la référence des “portes de l’enfer.” Et merci aux Bilinguish Boys, qui rep la langue !
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